AI Image Generator from Text to Image Online

Step into the innovative world of digital art with Pixlr's AI Image Generator, a game-changer in creative technology.  With advanced algorithms, our AI photo generator understands your vision and transforms text into captivating AI generated images and photos. Experience how text-to-image AI technology empowers you to push the boundaries of creativity, bringing to life images that were once just figments of your imagination.

Generate an image using Generative AI by describing what you want to see, all images are published publicly by default.


Why Choose Pixlr for AI Generated Images?

AI Image Generator by Pixlr is not just a Generative AI tool; it is a creative partner, a gateway to a new era of artistic expression, where the barriers of technical skills are broken down by the intuitive capabilities of AI. Our text to image AI generator stands out with its user-friendly interface, high-quality outputs, and versatile capabilities. It can ignite your creativity with its diverse range of capabilities. From reimagining landscapes to designing futuristic characters, the possibilities are endless. Whether you are creating social media content, marketing ads, digital art, or professional graphics, our AI generator adapts to your style and needs, delivering impressive results every time.

AI Image Generator for Designers, Marketing, and Branding

AI Image Generator by Pixlr is not just a Generative AI tool; it is a creative partner, a gateway to a new era of artistic expression, where the barriers of technical skills are broken down by the intuitive capabilities of AI. Our text to image AI generator stands out with its user-friendly interface, high-quality outputs, and versatile capabilities. It can ignite your creativity with its diverse range of capabilities. From reimagining landscapes to designing futuristic characters, the possibilities are endless. Whether you are creating social media content, marketing ads, digital art, or professional graphics, our AI generator adapts to your style and needs, delivering impressive results every time.

Revolutionize Social Media Visuals

Pixlr’s AI Image Generator revolutionises the way we create images for social platforms like Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter), and Facebook. Whether you are making unique posts, engaging stories, or attractive ads, our AI picture generator is your go-to solution. It streamlines the process, reducing the time and effort needed to produce professional-quality images. 

Generate AI Social Media Visuals
Social media visuals
Unique AI Generated Logos

Create Unique AI Generated Logos

Perfect for businesses of all sizes, Pixlr’s AI Image Generator offers an innovative way to generate logos that truly represent your brand's essence. From sleek and modern designs to more traditional or artistic styles, our AI logo generator adapts to your specific needs, ensuring your logo is not only unique but also resonates with your target audience.

Generate AI Logos

Transform Product Design Ideas into Reality for Designers

Our AI Image Generator stands as an invaluable asset for designers in various fields, turning abstract ideas into tangible, visual representations. Whether it is an innovative piece of furniture, a cutting-edge tech gadget, or a unique fashion accessory, our AI picture generator interprets and converts your descriptive concepts into detailed pictures.

Transform Ideas into AI Visuals
Transform Ideas into AI Visuals

Generate Images with AI: Top 5 Best Starter Prompts

Jumpstart your journey with our AI art generator using these five must-try prompts, designed to unleash your full creative potential. These prompts are perfect for both beginners and seasoned professionals, guiding you to explore the vast capabilities of the Generative AI tool effectively.

Try Text to Image AI Generator


Create a Vibrant Landscape

Begin with a prompt that describes your dream landscape. Whether it is a serene beach at sunset or a bustling cityscape, see how AI brings your vision to life with stunning detail and color.

Vibrant Landscape


Design Your Ideal Character

Begin with a prompt that describes your dream landscape. Whether it is a serene beach at sunset or a bustling cityscape, see how AI brings your vision to life with stunning detail and color.

Ideal Character


Transform Day into Night

Experiment with altering the time of day in an existing image. This prompt will show you the AI's ability to adapt lighting, shadows, and mood in a photograph.

Day into Night


Reimagine Historical Art in a Modern Context

Use a prompt that blends historical art styles with modern elements. It is a fantastic way to see how AI juxtaposes different eras in art, offering a unique perspective.

Reimagine Historical Art


Abstract Art from Simple Words

Experiment AI's interpretation of abstract concepts based on a few simple words. This prompt is great for seeing how nuanced and creative the AI can be with minimal input. 

Abstract Art from Simple Words

How to Use Pixlr AI Image Generator?

Pixlr's AI Image Generator leverages advanced algorithms to understand your creative needs. Simply input your idea in text, and watch as the AI interprets your concept into a visual masterpiece. It's intuitive, user-friendly, and perfect for those who desire quick, professional results without the steep learning curve. No downloads are needed – it's all online.

Step 1

Create your AI Generated Images

Visit our website and navigate to the 'AI Image Generator'. Input a description of the image you want to create. Be specific to get the best results. For example, "a futuristic cityscape at sunset" or "a serene mountain landscape".

Step 2

Select Style and Preferences

Choose from various styles and set your preferences to guide the AI in creating your perfect ai generated images. Customizable options include image ratio, color schemes, art styles, lighting, and more.

Step 3

Create your AI Generated Images

Click the 'Generate' button to let the AI work its magic. Wait for a few moments as the AI processes your input and creates the image.

Step 4

Review, Remix or Edit using Pixlr Editor

Once your image is generated, refine the description to regenerate the image. Or, use Pixlr’s image editor for any final tweaks or remixes. Your perfect image is just a few clicks away.


Mastering AI Image Generator

Unlock the full creative potential of Pixlr’s AI Image Generator with this handful guide. Explore a range of creative ideas and projects you can undertake, from surreal landscapes to abstract art, the possibilities are endless. Maximize your use of our AI photo generator with these helpful tips and tricks to effectively utilize Generative AI technology in enhancing your creativity and producing stunning visual content.


Experiment with Different Styles

Easily upload an image file by using the drag and drop upload box.


Combine AI with Manual Editing

Easily upload an image file by using the drag and drop upload box.


AI Trends and Community Inspirations

Easily upload an image file by using the drag and drop upload box.

Explore AI Creativity Now
Do you have a question?

 Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pixlr’s AI Image Generator?  AI Image Generator by Pixlr is an innovative tool that uses artificial intelligence to help users create stunning digital art, photos, and designs from text prompts. It simplifies complex editing tasks, making the process of creating visually appealing content accessible to everyone.
Who can use our AI photo generator? This tool is designed for a wide range of users – from teenagers and social media enthusiasts to professional designers and parents. Its user-friendly interface makes it ideal for anyone looking to explore digital creativity.
Are AI generated images safe to use? Pixlr prioritizes user safety and data security. AI-generated images are safe to use, as Pixlr adheres to strict data protection and privacy policy to safeguard user content. For more details, visit our Legal - Privacy Policy.
Do I need any technical skills to use Pixlr’s AI Image Generator? No, technical skills are not necessary to use our AI photo generator. Our tool is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, ensuring that even beginners can create professional-quality images without a steep learning curve.
Is Pixlr’s AI Image Generator free? Pixlr offers a range of options to suit different needs and budgets, including free access with basic features. There may be premium features available for a subscription fee, providing additional functionalities and tools for advanced users.  Find out more about Pixlr’s subscription and plan options.
Does the AI picture generator create unique images?  Yes, every image generated from our AI picture generator is unique and tailored to your specific text prompts. While it uses AI advanced algorithms to assist in the creative process, the final output depends on the user's inputs and choices, ensuring each image is distinct.
What are the differences between AI photo generator and traditional photo editor? Unlike traditional photo editing software that relies more on manual input, an AI photo generator incorporates artificial intelligence to automate complex tasks, making the creative process faster and more intuitive. AI generators create images from text, while traditional photo editors modify existing images. 
Who has the copyright of the AI generated pictures?  Generally, AI generated pictures created with Pixlr can be used for commercial purposes. However, it is always advisable to review Pixlr's terms of service for specific usage rights and restrictions. Find out more about Pixlr’s AI Generator Terms of Service.

 AI Image Generator Online by Pixlr

Convert text to image using our AI image generator – your tool for unparalleled digital art.

Use Text to Image AI